A list of Digital Forensics and Incident Response related events and training that may be of interest to students/beginners for the month of June.
June 2nd: Cache Up This is weekly starting June 2nd on YouTube Live. Go here for more information: https://www.magnetforensics.com/blog/magnet-forensics-presents-cache-up/
June 3rd – 5th: DFRWS Virtual Conference This is a paid Digital Forensics conference. For more information and to register, go here: https://events.eventzilla.net/e/dfrws-virtual-europe-2020-2138771086
June 3rd: Join Us for a Chat About DFIR You can sign up here: https://cybersocialhub.com/dfir-mixology/
June 4-5th: SANS DFIR NetWars If you registered for a SANS class between March, 2020 and now, you are eligible to participate in a free DFIR NetWars Tournament. Check your SANS account to register. SANS also holds free community CTFs. Click HERE for the schedule.
June 6th: Layer 8 Conference This conference is focused on social engineering and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). For more information and to register, go here: https://layer8conference.com/
June 6th: Threat Response Workshop and CTF You can register here: https://womenscyberjutsu.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1386180&group=
June 6th: Applied Purple Teaming – Infrastructure, Threat Optics, and Continuous Improvement “What is a purple team lab? This is a heavily audited and well-monitored detection environment. This allows the maintainer to test tools, catch executions, and hone their detection skills against an Elastic install.” You can register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7632358227918317070
June 6th – 7th: WHackzCon Talks include: Digital Forensics – Adversary to Opportunities, Purple Thinking – How Adopting the Hacker Mindset has Helped me as a SOC Analyst, and Adversary Detection Pipelines: Finally Making Your Threat Intel Useful. Go here for more information: https://www.womenhackerz.com/events
June 9th: Free OSINT Training by OSINT Combine You can register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qohYGfvQTvGuoi45Flye3A
June 10th: Deconstructing SQLite Record Headers You can register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5491800403564126220
June 13th: BSides Greenville (virtual) You can register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bsides-greenville-2020-tickets-84602497347
June 16th – 18th: Splunk Live (Free Virtual Event) Go here for more information: https://www.splunk.com/en_us/events/splunklive.html
June 17th: Dark Reading Virtual Event “You’ll get firsthand insight on how to build incident response programs that work, even in the face of an all-out cyber attack. And you’ll get advice on how to minimize the impact of a critical breach, and how to begin remediation as quickly as possible.” You can register here: https://events.darkreading.com/virtualsummit/
June 19th: BSides Cleveland Training Assembly for Malware Reverse Engineers by @AgdCServices ($150). Tactical Windows Forensics by @SecShoggoth. You can buy tickets here (scroll all the way to the bottom): https://www.bsidescleveland.com/
June 20th: Cyberjutsu Con “Get a day full of hands-on training in either offensive or defensive security. Get career advice from those in the industry and learn about advanced topics in cyber. Take what you learn and move into your next role by attending the career fair. There will also be a CTF event and networking.” Free for paid members (memberships start at $50) You can register here: https://womenscyberjutsu.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1365983&group=
June 20th: BSides Athens (virtual) Registration opens the first week of June. Talks include Android Malware Adventures and A Less Known Attack Vector; Second Order IDOR Attacks. Go here for more information: https://www.bsidesath.gr/index.php
June 23rd: ElasticON “Log on to a half-day virtual event to get Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash roadmaps and learn from our experts.” You can register here: https://www.elastic.co/elasticon/tour/asia-pacific
June 30th: Reversing 2020 “”REVERSING 2020 is where Threat Hunters and Researchers come together to network and learn everything YARA. Here both thought leaders and practitioners will share YARA best practices to assist you in how to best hunt, identify and classify malware samples.” You can register here: https://register.reversinglabs.com/reversing-2020
June 30th – July 1st: IIoT World Days There are ICS Security talks including Identifying Compromises Through Device Profiling Using Open Source Tools and Creating and Performing a Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercise. You can register here: https://iiotday.com/
@KxBenson hosts BackDoors & Breaches Happy Hours at various times. Follow him on Twitter for the dates. If you’re not familiar with Backdoors & Breaches, here is more information: https://www.blackhillsinfosec.com/projects/backdoorsandbreaches/
SANS Mic Talks There are several free SANS Mic Talks this month including Remote Forensics Investigations, Shellcode Analysis, and A Walk Through Logs Hell. The schedule can be found here: https://www.sans.org/blog/sans-mic-schedule/
Life has no Ctrl + Alt + Delete (Ongoing). “Need to escape isolation and collaborate? Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:30PM to 1PM EST, join Heather Mahalik, Cellebrite’s Sr. Director of Digital Intelligence, with guest speakers for live Meetups.” For more information, go here: https://www.cellebrite.com/en/life-has-no-ctrlaltdelete/
NW3C CTF You can register here: https://nw3.ctfd.io/register
Champlain College CTF: https://champdfa-ccsc-sp20.ctfd.io/
Corelight CTF: There are game dates available through June 18th. You can register here: https://www3.corelight.com/l/420832/2020-03-31/lcxk2q
The Splunk Boss of the SOC Blue Team CTF is open for anyone to play. You can register here: https://www.cyberdefenders.org/community/?register
Pentester Academy has free CTF exercises that include network forensics and reverse engineering. The challenges go from beginner to advanced. You can register here: https://www.ctf.live/
David Cowen has weekly “Sunday Funday” forensic challenges. He also hosts the Forensic Lunch Test Kitchen live on YouTube where you can learn about different forensic tools and chat with forensic professionals. Subscribe to his YouTube channel Learn Forensics With David Cowen.
Malware-Traffic-Analysis.net has traffic analysis exercises each month.
There is also a regularly updated list of Free Training.