The cybersecurity field is very broad with many different job roles (both technical and non-technical). If you’re interested in the field, but don’t know which path to take, here are some resources that might help:
This is a free course through edX: Finding Your Cybersecurity Career Path: Learn about different career pathways in cybersecurity and complete a self-assessment project to better understand the right path for you.
Cybersecurity Career Path: A Beginner’s Guide (article by Paul Ricketts)
Thinking of a Career in Cybersecurity? Read This by Brian Krebs
Starting an Infosec Career – The Megamix by Lesley Carhart
The Cybersecurity Career and Job Hunting Guide by Stefan Waldvogel
Where do you begin? and Succeeding in Cybersecurity blog posts by Derek Scheller. Derek’s YouTube channel (Scheller Cyber Security) also has videos with interview and resume tips.
Cybersecurity Career Pathways Tool (“This tool will help you identify, build, and navigate a potential cyber career pathway by increasing your understanding of the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to begin, transition, or advance your cyber career.”)
If you do know what job role you want within cybersecurity, look at the job postings for the type of role you’re interested in to get a feel for the job requirements (certifications, prior experience, etc) and start working toward them. LinkedIn, Dice, Glassdoor, and Ninja Jobs are some suggestions. In addition, if you Google something along the lines of “How to become a (insert dream job here)”, you will likely find articles written by people working in those roles.
Cybersecurity Mentoring Hub Noureen Njoroge hosts remote Global Mentoring Sessions every other Saturday.
Katia’s Cylife focuses on getting into Cybersecurity. She also offers services for job seekers.
Dr. Mansur Hasib hosts Conversations with #DrCybersecurity. Anyone can come to ask questions in a live recorded format for 15 minutes each Wednesday for free.
Access Cyber is also a good resource for those looking to enter the field.
Simply Cyber (YouTube Channel): Simply Cyber is an information security YouTube channel designed to help individuals go further, faster in the information security field.
LinkedIn Career Advice. You can turn this feature on in your LinkedIn profile. People who are available to mentor will also have it turned on. There is a good article on how to use it HERE.
#CyberMentoringMonday on Twitter (Created by Tanya Janca). Use the hashtag to ask questions or to find a mentor on a specific topic. If you have questions for the Infosec Twitter community on other days, use the hashtag #AskInfosec